Instead of wasting time worrying about how to please your partner sexually, spend time fully enjoying the time you spend together with Covert Labs’ Viag Cycle. Viag Cycle claims to work in the same way as other male enhancement supplements do and works to treat Erectile Dysfunction disorder. Let’s take a closer look and see if Viag Cycle has the necessary ingredients to produce effective results and can fix sexual disorders.
Viag Cycle Ingredients:
Viag Cycle consists of natural ingredients like: Oat Straw, St. John’s Wort powder, Ginseng, and Yohimbine powder.
Oat Straw: It is a relaxing ingredient that is used to relax the blood vessels in the penis thus increases the circulation of blood.
Ginseng: It is widely advertised for its aphrodisiac properties and helps to increase the sexual desire.
St. John’s Wort powder: It is also used as a relaxing agent and is often included in ADD or ADHD dis-orders.
Yohimbine Powder: It is also a known aphrodisiac as well as a stimulant.
The relaxing ingredients are first supposed to work to relax muscles and blood vessels allowing for the proper stimulation and improved circulation of blood.
What does Viag Cycle Claims to give?
Viag Cycle has 4 active ingredients: In this there are two stress releasing ingredients and two stimulant aphrodisiacs. The stress releasing ingredients are St. John’s Wort Powder & Oat Straw, both of which had proven to relax and reduce stress.

Ginseng and Yohimbine Powder are the aphrodisiac, stimulant ingredients involved in this formula and work to increase sexual desire and stimulate blood flow, allowing an erection to happen. Now, the most important question is that if any of these ingredients concentrated enough to give what they claim?
Unfortunately, based only on the ingredient list included on the product packaging, it seems that none of these ingredients are enough to produce positive results. There are no clinical trials, research studies or even customer reviews available that makes it difficult to determine whether results can be seen or not?
How safe is Viag Cycle?
It is not sure if Viag Cycle can really produce results. Unfortunately, the lack of information, no customer reviews and not even a product website. It is difficult to judge out whether it will have any harmful side-effects.
Viag Cycle Conclusion
Viag Cycle lacks a website or homepage of any sort also it was difficult to find any consumer reviews, product trials or even research studies to provide further information on this product and its supposed benefits. This leaves us completely in the dark as to whether or not this product will produce negative side-effects and what additional precautions should be taken. There are plenty of other options available that provide additional information and a product satisfaction guarantee.
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