Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How Male Enhancement Pills Work?

How do male enhancement pills work? This simple question has baffled consumers and manufacturers alike. For the most part, buyers of penis growth pills are far more concerned about whether or not penis growth pills achieve results, and not how those results are achieved. This habit is good for sellers, and bad for the average user.

So, there are a few simple ways in which penis growth pills are supposed to work.

Firstly, many herbal penis growth pills are meant to cause an erection or arousal. This is the most well-documented use of male enhancement pills. While the fact of arousal causes the growth claimed by many brands, it is not the result sought by the majority of customers. Most buyers are looking to achieve a measurable change in both flaccid and erect states. Still, the effectiveness of herbs likehorny goat weedis usually in the areas of energy and arousal, and not tissue growth.

Secondly, natural male enhancement pills occasionally cause or are associated with tissue growth. Most likely, this growth is achieved by altering the hormonal condition of the body. That is, the herbs in penis growth pills do occasionally alter the levels of testosterone, growth hormone, and androgen's which are involved in the growth process of the penis. While these effects are desirable for many men, such a drastic change in the body should require the observation of a physician. Also, if these changes occurred on a regular basis, the herbs present in penis growth pills would shortly become controlled substances, like hormones themselves.

Thirdly, It provide indirect arterial growth via increased blood-flow. Regularly forcing blood into the penis will alter the arterial mass of the penis itself. This prospect, while measurably increasing thesizeof the penis, may not be what male enhancement pills are thought to provide. This change will not alter the length of the penis, but may alter the girth or weight of the penis in a small way. This change can be very difficult to measure.

Of the three, all have been documented as possible explanations of penis growth associated with this, and any may be a good reason to try a line of male enhancement pills. In general, however, the changes caused by these chemical processes is slight, and occasionally detrimental to the normal function of the body. Any change in hormonal or blood patterns is cause for the involvement of a medical professional, so always approach male enhancement pills with caution, and with a medical plan.

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